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English presentation:

Recent advances in physics (high energy physics, quantum physics, condensed matter…) and related disciplines (astrophysics, life sciences, medical treatment and medical imaging...) are based on gathering, in laboratories or within national and international collaborations, a great diversity of skills and knowledge such as: 

  • Knowledge about fundamental theoretical and experimental physics;
  • A broad view of the discipline: currently accepted theories, major open questions and plans to address them...
  • Excellent knowledge of practical tools for modeling and analysis (mathematics, statistics, signal processing, database management, numerical simulations, instrumental developments);
  • Ease with high-level experimental techniques;
  • Teamwork and communication skills (project management, English, report writing, oral presentations).

The main objective of the Master of Physics is to train candidates to fit effectively into this framework, providing them with sound theoretical and practical bases, and giving them the opportunity to start specializing gradually through courses, personal projects and internships. The training aims to provide students with the necessary skills to carry out research and / or development work by focusing on:

  • Autonomy in the analysis of a complex problem and the proposal of approaches (theoretical, numerical and / or experimental);
  • Solid skills in computing (especially for the analysis of large datasets);
  • Collaborative work;
  • Ability to communicate scientific results.

The Master of Physics is a research-driven training, leading to fundamental or applied research, work in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics -STEM- industry (especially high-tech) and trades of education or dissemination of science. From a professional point of view, the training prepares either for a career as a researcher or a research engineer in the disciplinary fields concerned, or for a career in a sector where the knowledge and / or skills acquired as physicists prove to be useful. Thanks to a long-standing partnership with Télécom Physique Strasbourg, the Master's degree also assumes the role of contributing to the formation of young engineers. In parallel with research-focused objectives, the Master of Physics also prepares students to pass the French recruitment competition for teachers Agrégation de Physique-Chimie, Option Physique through a specific track PA (Preparation à l’Agrégation). The mastery of the disciplinary foundations of Physics and Chemistry give rise to a solid theoretical and practical professional training in the trades of the education.

The Master of Physics consists of 7 tracks with of a common first M1 year followed by a specialization at the M2 level. The content of each course is described in the specific pages. The courses are taught in English during the two years. For the main lectures, tutorial classes are duplicated with French and English teaching languages. M1 training consists of a common core of general physics taught through courses and tutorials in the first and second semester. Experimental training is an important part of the curriculum,  with projects hosted by local laboratories. During these two semesters, optional courses allow students to discover the different possible tracks and specializations. The ties with ongoing academic research are ensured by weekly seminars given by researchers from Strasbourg laboratories during the first semester. In addition, students will train to actual research work via supervised projects and research internships in physics laboratories through (both in M1 and M2).

Résumé français:
Le master Physique de l'Université de Strasbourg est porté par la Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie, en partenariat avec l’Observatoire d’Astrophysique de Strasbourg (ObAS), Télécom Physique Strasbourg (TPS) et l’École supérieure de biotechnologie de Strasbourg (ESBS) et avec les Instituts Thématiques Interdisciplinaires ITI/EUR HiFunMat, IRMIA++ et QMat. Après une première année de formation généraliste fortement mutualisée, il propose 6 parcours orientés vers la recherche -Astrophysics and data science (Astro); Physics of Quantum and Soft Condensed Matter (PhyQS); Cell physics; Radiation physics, detector, instrumentation and imaging (PRIDI); Subatomic and astroparticle physics (SAP) and Quantum Technologies-European Program -s’appuyant sur les laboratoires Strasbourgeois et un parcours permettant de préparer le concours de recrutement de l’Agrégation de Physique-Chimie-Option Physique.

Adossement à la recherche

The Master of Physics at the University of Strasbourg is supported by the Faculty of Physics and Engineering, in partnership with the Observatoire d'astrophysique de Strasbourg (ObAS), Télécom Physique Strasbourg (TPS) and the École Supérieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg (ESBS), as well as with the ITI/EUR HiFunMat, IRMIA++ and QMat.

The 6 research courses in the master's programme are closely linked to the physics laboratories in Strasbourg:

The Master's teachers are all active researchers in these laboratories. They also enable internships opportunities outside Strasbourg for the Master students thanks to their networks of collaborations.



Pour connaître les modalités de candidature, consultez la page dédiée sur le site de l’Université de Strasbourg.



Droits de scolarité

Pour connaître les droits de scolarité, consultez la page dédiée sur le site de l’Université de Strasbourg.

Insertion professionnelle

Please refer to/ se référer au site de l'ORESIPE (Observatoire régional de l'enseignement supérieur et de l'insertion professionnelle des étudiants)

Programme des enseignements

Astrophysics and Data Science

Master 1 - Physique - Astrophysics and Data Science

Master 1 - Physique - Physics research - Tronc commun
Semester 1 - Physics research
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
16h - 16h -
14h - - -
- - - -
- - 56h -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 2 parmi 10
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
20h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
- - - -
16h - - -
16h - - -
Semester 2 - Physics research
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
12h - 16h -
- - - -
4h - 16h -
- - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
Liste UE facultativeFacultatif
- - - -
- - - -

Master 2 - Physique - Astrophysics and Data Science

Semester 3
- - - -
12h - - -
16h - - -
18h2h2h -
16h - - -
8h2h - -
- - - -
20h - - -
8h - 12h -
- - - -
- 26h - -
18h2h - -
4h - 26h -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 1 parmi 4
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 4
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 6 Choisir 1 parmi 4
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
Semester 4
- - - -
4h - 40h -
- 4h - -
- - - -
2h2h2h -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -

Cell Physics

Master 1 - Physique - Cell Physics

Master 1 - Physique - Physics research - Tronc commun
Semester 1 - Physics research
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
16h - 16h -
14h - - -
- - - -
- - 56h -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 2 parmi 10
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
20h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
- - - -
16h - - -
16h - - -
Semester 2 - Physics research
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
12h - 16h -
- - - -
4h - 16h -
- - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
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Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
Liste UE facultativeFacultatif
- - - -
- - - -

Master 2 - Physique - Cell Physics

Semester 3 - Master Cell Physics
- - - -
30h - - -
30h - - -
16h - - -
- - - -
22h - - -
12h - - -
24h - 4h -
6h21h - -
- - - -
20h - - -
16h - - -
- - - -
20h - - -
16h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 4 parmi 7
- - 16h -
- - 16h -
- - 16h -
- - 20h -
- - 16h -
15h - - -
15h - - -
- - - -
16h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE FacultativeFacultatif
- - - -
Liste Choisir 1 parmi 7
- - 16h -
- - 16h -
- - 16h -
- - 20h -
- - 16h -
15h - - -
15h - - -
Semester 4 - Master Cell Physics
- - - -
18h - - -
- - - -
- - - -
Liste UE FacultativeFacultatif
- - - -
- - - -

Physics of Quantum and Soft Condensed Matter

Master 1 - Physique - Physics of Quantum and Soft Condensed Matter

Master 1 - Physique - Physics research - Tronc commun
Semester 1 - Physics research
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
16h - 16h -
14h - - -
- - - -
- - 56h -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 2 parmi 10
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
20h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
- - - -
16h - - -
16h - - -
Semester 2 - Physics research
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
12h - 16h -
- - - -
4h - 16h -
- - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
Liste UE facultativeFacultatif
- - - -
- - - -

Master 2 - Physique - Physics of Quantum and Soft Condensed Matter

Semester 3 - Physics of Quantum and Soft Condensed Matter
- - - -
42h - - -
- - - -
42h - - -
- - - -
42h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE4 Choisir 4 parmi 14
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE5 Choisir 1 parmi 14
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
Semester 4 - Physics of Quantum and Soft Condensed Matter
- - - -
18h - - -
- - - -
- - - -
Liste facultativeFacultatif
- - - -
- - - -

Préparation à l'agrégation : physique

Master 1 - Physique - Préparation à l'agrégation : physique

Semestre 1 - Préparation à l'agrégation de physique
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
- 21h - -
- 24h - -
- - - -
- 16h - -
14h - - -
- - - -
26h - - -
- - - -
2h12h - -
- - - -
Liste UE 6 Choisir 1 parmi 5
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
UE facultativeFacultatif
- - - -
16h - - -
16h - - -
Semestre 2 - Préparation à l'agrégation : physique
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
- - 20h8h
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- 21h - -
- 18h - -
- - 20h -
- - - -
- - 32h -
- - - 26h
- - - -
- - - 20h
UE facultativeFacultatif
- - - -
- - - -

Master 2 - Physique - Préparation à l'agrégation : physique

Quantum technologies - European program

Master 1 - Physique - Quantum technologies - European program

Master 1 - Physique - Physics research - Tronc commun
Semester 1 - Physics research
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
16h - 16h -
14h - - -
- - - -
- - 56h -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 2 parmi 10
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
20h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
- - - -
16h - - -
16h - - -
Semester 2 - Physics research
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
12h - 16h -
- - - -
4h - 16h -
- - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
Liste UE facultativeFacultatif
- - - -
- - - -

Master 2 - Physique - Quantum technologies - European program

Semester 3 - Quantum technologies - European program
- - - -
28h14h - -
- - - -
28h14h - -
- - - -
- - 70h -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 4 parmi 10
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 10
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
18h - - -
Semester 4 - Quantum technologies - European program
- - - -
18h - - -
- - - -
- - - -
Liste UE facultativeFacultatif
- - - -
- - - -

Radiation Physics, Detector, Instrumentation and Imaging

Master 1 - Physique - Radiation Physics, Detector, Instrumentation and Imaging

Master 1 - Physique - Physics research - Tronc commun
Semester 1 - Physics research
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
16h - 16h -
14h - - -
- - - -
- - 56h -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 2 parmi 10
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
20h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
- - - -
16h - - -
16h - - -
Semester 2 - Physics research
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
12h - 16h -
- - - -
4h - 16h -
- - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
Liste UE facultativeFacultatif
- - - -
- - - -

Master 2 - Physique - Radiation Physics, Detector, Instrumentation and Imaging

Semester 3 - Radiation Physics, Detector, Instrumentation and Imaging
- - - -
24h - 4h -
18h - - -
12h - - -
- - - -
20h - 12h -
- - - -
30h - - -
- - - -
18h - 8h -
- - - -
- - - 25h
- - - 25h
- - - -
Liste UE6 Choisir 3 parmi 4
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
- - - 20h
Semester 4 - Radiation Physics, Detector, Instrumentation and Imaging
- - - -
- - 8h -
- - - -
18h - - -
- - - -
- - - -
Liste UE facultativeFacultatif
- - - -
- - - -

Subatomic and astroparticle physics

Master 1 - Physique - Subatomic and astroparticle physics

Master 1 - Physique - Physics research - Tronc commun
Semester 1 - Physics research
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
16h - 16h -
14h - - -
- - - -
- - 56h -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 2 parmi 10
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
20h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
- - - -
16h - - -
16h - - -
Semester 2 - Physics research
- - - -
26h26h - -
26h26h - -
- - - -
12h - 16h -
- - - -
4h - 16h -
- - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 4 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE 5 Choisir 1 parmi 9
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
26h - - -
Liste UE facultativeFacultatif
- - - -
- - - -

Master 2 - Physique - Subatomic and astroparticle physics

Semester 3 - Subatomic and astroparticle physics
- - - -
22h - - -
22h - - -
22h - - -
14h - - -
- - - -
14h - - -
14h - - -
16h - - 6h
- - - -
Liste UE3 Choix Choisir 4 parmi 9
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
- - - -
Liste UE4 Choix - Free Choisir 1 parmi 9
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
20h - - -
Semester 4 - Subatomic and astroparticle physics
- - - -
- - - 36h
- - 15h -
- - 24h14h
- - - -
18h - - -
- - - -
- - - -
Liste facultativeFacultatif
- - - -
Liste UE4 Facultatif
- - - -


Responsable(s) de mention
Thierry Charitat  :

Autres contacts

Education at the Faculty of Physics and Engineering of Strasbourg
Online request form


Documents PDF à télécharger

Astrophysics and Data Science

Cell Physics

Physics of Quantum and Soft Condensed Matter

Préparation à l'agrégation : physique

Quantum technologies - European program

Radiation Physics, Detector, Instrumentation and Imaging

Subatomic and astroparticle physics


Astrophysics and Data Science

Cell Physics

Physics of Quantum and Soft Condensed Matter

Préparation à l'agrégation : physique

Quantum technologies - European program

Radiation Physics, Detector, Instrumentation and Imaging

Subatomic and astroparticle physics