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  5. Chimie physique et matériaux
  • Sciences, Technologies, Santé

Chimie physique et matériaux

  • TEDS / DDRS (Transition écologique pour un développement soutenable)


    This Master degree offers a thorough training in Chemical Physics, Materials and Nanomaterials Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry or Theoretical Chemistry. It aims to provide students with the necessary theoretical and experimental knowledge and basic skills, for the understanding of matter:

    • Design, synthesis and characterization of matter in connection with the excellence of the academic research laboratories in Strasbourg.
    • understanding of the science of materials ranging from the nature of the materials, their preparation, their characterization to the study of their specific properties.
    • Use of advanced spectroscopic and microscopic methods
    • Skills in the main areas of physical chemistry: Thermody namics, kinetics, electrochemistry, theoretical chemistry.

    The teaching should enable students to understand the science of complex matter, including biomolecules, supramolecular structures, polymers, nanomaterials, etc. By the variety of optional courses that are offered, students can define their own competence profile.
    Lectures providing students the mastering of theoretical and technical skills that will enable the extensive use of computer codes for quantum chemistry, quantum dynamics and molecular modelling, are also suggested.


    Insertion professionnelle

    Holders of this diploma will be able to work in the fields of research and development. 

    Professional integration in research, industry or education

    Formation internationale

    • Formation ayant des partenariats formalisés à l'international


    Critères de recrutement

    A committee decides on the specific criteria and the requested background for acceptance in the master program. This committee, the so called “Commission Pédagogique,” includes professors involved in the first and second year of the master, as well as the professors responsible for the master program.
    Given the multidisciplinary nature of this master program, students from other universities or other master programs may be accepted after evaluation of their background. Students may be invited for an interview before admission.
    It is noted that sufficient command of English is necessary, knowledge of French is desirable.


    La soumission du dossier de candidature en M1 se fait intégralement en ligne sur la plateforme nationale MonMaster

    Pour consulter les modalités de candidature, consultez la page dédiée sur le site de l’Université de Strasbourg.

    Droits de scolarité

    Pour consulter les droits de scolarité, consultez la page dédiée sur le site de l’Université de Strasbourg.

    Prérequis obligatoires

    Un bon niveau en chimie physique (thermochimie, cinétique, spectroscopies, électrochimie, cristallographie, chimie quantique) est attendu.

    Mention AB au minimum en licence fortement conseillée. Maîtrise du français et de l’anglais (niveau B2).

    Poursuites d'études

    Poursuite d'études

    The master degree gives successful students the possibility to apply for a PhD program, focus on research or join industry.


    Stage en France

    Stage possible

    Stage à l'étranger

    Stage possible

    Liste des stages

    Projet tuteuré en laboratoire de recherche ou stage en Entreprise (M1S2)

    Stage de fin d'études (M2S4)

    Programme des enseignements

    Master 1 Chimie - Chimie physique et matériaux

    Master 2 Chimie - Chimie physique et matériaux

    M2S3 - Chimie physique et matériaux
    UE Pro 33 ECTS
    - - - -
    8h - - 17h
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    16h - - -
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    20h4h - -
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    20h4h - -
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    16h8h - -
    - - - -
    - - - 24h
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    - - - -
    Bloc d'UEs à choix (pour un total de 9 ECTS) Choisir 3 parmi 7
    - - - -
    - - - 24h
    - - - -
    - - - 24h
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    16h8h - -
    - - - -
    16h8h - -
    - - - -
    16h8h8h -
    - - - -
    30h - - -
    - - - -
    - - - 24h
    M2S4 - Chimie physique et matériaux
    - - - -
    - - - -


    Faculté de chimie - 1 rue Blaise Pascal, 67000 Strasbourg


    • Campus Esplanade



    Responsable(s) de parcours
    Frederic Melin  :
    Sylvie Ferlay-Charitat  :

    Autres contacts

    Scolarité Faculté de Chimie

    Établissement(s) partenaire(s)

    Pièces jointes à télécharger