Anglais appliqué aux sciences sociales
This course is designed to support the English communication skills of students majoring in social science research. The focus will be on oral communication regarding current societal issues and students’ research projects. In a conference format, students will be asked to find common themes with other students’ research subjects and present their individual projects. Groups of students will also role-play to present various standpoints in a talk show format on a subject of their own choosing. This exercise is meant to be fun, where humor as well as knowledge may play a part.
Articles on current issues will be assigned to read in advance and provide the basis for discussion. Points of grammar, vocabulary, phrases, and techniques will be addressed as needed. Students will write an essay on a choice of subjects similar to those studied throughout the semester. The course will be completely in English.
Compétences visées
• Communicate in English, especially orally, about the social sciences
• Develop the ability to think critically about subjects other than their specialty and the capacity to construct a well-supported defense of a position
• Practice presenting one’s research in English and answering questions
• Practice speaking in an informal context; cultivate the art of persuasion through role-play
• Gain confidence and fluency in speaking in public
- Science politique
- Sociologie, démographie
- Études anglophones