Religions in Europe
Religions in Europe
Compétences requises
English, European culture, European history, international law
Compétences visées
This course will analyse the minority concept under three scientific perspectives:
Sociology, Law and Political science.
Anne-Sophie Lamine, three classes, on the 27/02, 06/03, 13/03
Course outline
1/ What is happening to religion in Europe?
2/ What means being religious today: a saga of misunderstanding.
3/ Secularization and its critics. Alternative and complementary approaches
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi
Each student will write a research paper and will present his/her work in
- Cultures et langues régionales
Informations complémentaires
Samim Akgönül, Anne-Sophie Lamine, Dimitrios Kargiotis, Alexandre Kostka
Public Space and beliefs in Europe », in P. Bréchon and F. Gonthier, eds., European values: Trends
and divides over thirty years, Leiden, Brill, 2017, 104-122.
Davie D., « Vicarious Religion: A Methodological Challenge », in Ammerman N. T., ed., Everyday
religion: Observing modern religious lives, Oxford University Press, 2006, 21-35. 18
Davie G., « Managing Pluralism: The European Case », Society, 51.6, 2014, 613-622.
Fadil N., « Managing affects and sensibilities: The case of not‐handshaking and not‐fasting », Social
Anthropology, 17.4 2009, 439-454.
Fadil N., « Performing the salat [Islamic prayers] at work: Secular and pious Muslims negotiating the
contours of the public in Belgium », Ethnicities, 13.6, 2013, 729-750.
Hervieu-Léger D., « The transmission and formation of socioreligious identities in modernity: an
analytical essay on the trajectories of identification », International Sociology, 13.2, 1998, 213-228.
Iannaccone L. R., « Why Strict Churches are Strong », American Journal of Sociology, 99.5, 1994,
Jouili J., « Negotiating secular boundaries: Pious micro‐practices of Muslim women in French and
German public spheres », Social Anthropology, 17.4, 2009, 455-470.
Lamine A.-S., « Dimensions of Belief : Oscillations, Confrontations, Toughening », in A. D. Ornella, ed.,
Making Humans: Religious, Technological and Aesthetic Perspectives, Oxford, Inter-Disciplinary Press,
2015, 21-41.
Lamine A.-S., « "I doubt ; Therefore, I Believe.” Three Modalities of “Belief in the Making » in Gl. Ganiel,
Ch. Monnot and H. Winkel, eds., Religion in Times of Crisis, Leiden, Brill, 2014, 72-90.
Lamine A.-S., « Singular Pluralities. A Review on Religious Pluralism », Religion and Society, 4.1, 2013,
Lamine A.-S., « Religion as Experience. Dialogue with John Dewey », Social Compass, 65.4, 2018,
Spickard, J. V., « What is happening to religion? Six sociological narratives." Nordic Journal of Religion
and Society 19(1), 2006, 13-29.
Stolz, J., « Secularization theories in the twenty-first century: Ideas, evidence, and problems », Social
Compas, 67.2, 2020, 282-308.
European Values Survey, Church attendance :
content/uploads/2018/09/visitreligiousservices.jpg?ssl=1 ; European Values Survey, Importance of
God :