Dynamics of the Hydrological Cycle within River Basins: Parameters, Processes and Experiments
This course includes 1) a description of the global water cycle, discharge and creation of flood discharge in small catchments including infiltration and hysteresis effects between groundwater and surface water interactions, 2) Discharge components including the influence of rain, snow and glacier melt on different types of discharge, 3) The water cycle within small basins including the exchange between soil, vegetation and the atmosphere via evaporation and transpiration (via sap flow), 4) The measurement of evaporation and evapotranspiration in mountain and forest environments and long term lysimeter experiments. 5) The hydrology of urban and peri-urban water courses (water quality and quantity, floods and droughts) and their ecology and fluvial geomorphology. The course ends with a 2 day field-trip to the agricultural catchment of Reutenbourg. High resolution field measurements of hydrological components are carried out using different approaches from microclimatology (Davis Instruments climate stations, SDEC soil humidity and heat flux sensors), evaporation with automatic evaporation pans and piche evaporimeters, infiltration (infiltrometer) and soil compaction (penetrometer).