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Ce parcours est proposé exclusivement dans le cadre de l'UFAZ (Université franco-azerbaidjanaise) et est entièrement délocalisé à Bakou. 

This two-year master program is dedicated to training specialists in the analysis and management of water resources who will be able to work in the world of academic research, higher education and local or international companies. The level of expertise targeted will enable innovative development and decision support on water management. The interdisciplinary approach will provide an integrated vision of water resources and enable sustainable management in line with societal issues and environmental changes. The program combines lectures, practical work and field training. It requires strong background in earth sciences, including geology, hydrology and geochemistry but also in mathematics and computer programing. Teachers are professors from various French universities, supplemented by specialized courses given by local professionals (Azersu, Agro Economics research Center, Ministry of Ecology) and experts from European organizations (International office of water, Caspisnet).

The master program is organized around three main axes:

  • 1) Resources of natural water through a hydrogeological approach;
  • 2) water quality through chemical/biological indicators and sanitation techniques;
  • 3) management of water resources in relation to socio-economic issues and sustainability.

Formation internationale

  • Formation ayant des partenariats formalisés à l'international
  • Formation délocalisée ou formation dans un campus délocalisé

Lieu(x) à l'étranger

Bakou - Azerbaïdjan



Azerbaidjani applicants:

See application process and entrance exam details here :

International applicants :
We can accept at most 8 international students per year into the UFAZ Master's program (which has 3 specialities, one of which is Geoscience), and the tuition fee for international students is 5000 $. The program is taken exclusively at the Baku UFAZ campus (two completely renovated buildings within walking distance of the city center). International students will be offered accommodation here unless they wish to make their own plans for accommodation.   The deadlines for international applications have not yet been finalised. The application process will be on the basis of a written application complete with CV, cover letter, grades from bachelor program etc. There may also be an interview. Please take a look at the equivalent process for the UFAZ bachelor program here :   You may use the contact address on that page to let the UFAZ administration know you would be interested in applying and are waiting for the procedure for international applicants to be published to send in your application.

Prérequis obligatoires

Students must have a strong background in earth sciences and in mathematics. They must be hard-working, highly motivated and fluent in English. They should be curious and open to interdisciplinary approaches.


Métiers visés

Pour connaitre en détail l'insertion professionnelle de nos diplômés, consultez cette page.


Stage en France

Stage obligatoire
Durée du stage
16 semaines
Période du stage
janvier à avril

Stage à l'étranger

Stage possible

Programme des enseignements

Master 1 - Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, environnement - Water Resources and Management (UFAZ)

M1S1 - Water Resources and Management (UFAZ)
- - - 72h
- - - 24h
- - - 24h
- - - 24h
- - 18h54h
- - - 24h
- - - 24h
- - 18h6h
4h - 56h -
4h - 20h -
- - 36h -
- - - 48h
- - - 24h
- - - 24h
M1S2 - Water Resources and Management (UFAZ)
- - - -
14h10h - -
14h10h - -
- - - 48h
19,5h4,5h - -
- - 24h -
- - - 24h
2h6h24h -
2h6h - -
- - 24h -
- - - 48h
- - - 24h
- - - 24h

Master 2 - Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, environnement - Water Resources and Management (UFAZ)

M2S3 - Water Resources and Management (UFAZ)
- - - 72h
- - - 24h
- - - 24h
- - - 24h
- - - 72h
12h12h - -
- - - 24h
- - - 24h
Management 312 ECTS
- - - 96h
- - - 24h
- - - 24h
- - - 24h
- - - 24h
M2S4 - Water Resources and Management (UFAZ)
- - - -
- - - -


Bakou - Azerbaïdjan


  • Campus Bakou


Responsable(s) de parcours
Damien Lemarchand  :

Pièces jointes à télécharger