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  • TEDS / DDRS (Transition écologique pour un développement soutenable)


Ce parcours est proposé exclusivement dans le cadre de l'UFAZ (Université franco-azerbaidjanaise) et est entièrement délocalisé à Bakou. 

This two-year program, proposed exclusively within the framework of the French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ), specializes in Geosciences, with an emphasis on the modeling of physical and chemical processes within the Earth. Optional courses in the second year enable to specialize either in the field natural georesources (oil, gas, mining) or in advanced numerical modeling including the latest AI technologies applied to the earth sciences. It is piloted by Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre of Strasbourg University (France), in collaboration with the University of Rennes-1.

The program combines training in advanced aspects of Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry requiring a strong background in Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Programming. This training is provided by seasoned Professors and Assistant Professors from Strasbourg and Rennes-1 Universities and supplemented by specialist courses by professionals and experts.

Formation internationale

  • Formation délocalisée ou formation dans un campus délocalisé
  • Formation ayant des partenariats formalisés à l'international

Lieu(x) à l'étranger

Bakou - Azerbaïdjan



Azerbaidjani applicants:

See application process and entrance exam details here :

International applicants :
We can accept at most 8 international students per year into the UFAZ Master's program (which has 3 specialities, one of which is Geoscience), and the tuition fee for international students is 5000 $. The program is taken exclusively at the Baku UFAZ campus (two completely renovated buildings within walking distance of the city center). International students will be offered accommodation here unless they wish to make their own plans for accommodation.   The deadlines for international applications have not yet been finalised. The application process will be on the basis of a written application complete with CV, cover letter, grades from bachelor program etc. There may also be an interview. Please take a look at the equivalent process for the UFAZ bachelor program here :   You may use the contact address on that page to let the UFAZ administration know you would be interested in applying and are waiting for the procedure for international applicants to be published to send in your application.

Prérequis obligatoires

We are looking for students with a strong work-ethic, who are able to learn complex information quickly and use their knowledge to solve previously unseen problems. The ideal applicant will have bachelor level training in :

  • Physics (continuum mechanics, fluid mechanics, wave propagation in elastic media, electromagnetic phenomena, potential fields);
  • Geology (stratigraphy, plate tectonics, mineralogy, petrology, sedimentology);
  • Chemistry (architecture and transformation of matter, chemical equilibria, the thermodynamics of chemical reactions).

Previous experience in laboratory experiments, geological and geophysical field-work, and computer programming in Python will be an advantage.


Poursuites d'études

Poursuite d'études

We expect two-thirds of our students to apply for management or research& development positions in energy companies, geophysical / geotechnical service companies, or other companies for whom a good understanding of Earth structure and processes is central.

We expect the remaining third of students to pursue their education with a doctoral program in Azerbaidjan or abroad.


Secteur(s) d'activité

Référentiel ROME

Métiers visés

Pour connaitre en détail l'insertion professionnelle de nos diplômés, consultez cette page.


Stage en France

Stage obligatoire
Durée du stage
16 semaines
Période du stage
janvier à avril

Stage à l'étranger

Stage possible

Programme des enseignements

Master 1 - Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, environnement - Geosciences (UFAZ)

Master 2 - Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, environnement - Geosciences (UFAZ)


Bakou - Azerbaïdjan


  • Campus Bakou



Responsable(s) de parcours
Alessia Maggi  :
Damien Lemarchand  :

Autres contacts

UFAZ Education Departement

Établissement(s) partenaire(s)

Université Franco-Azerbaidjanaise (UFAZ)

Pièces jointes à télécharger