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◦      The Viscous, Elastic (small and large elastic deformations) and Viscoelastic response.

◦      Simple shear flow of a Newtonian fluid.

◦      Non-Newtonian behaviour : time-independent fluids (rheological models without yield stress, rheological models with yield stress, structural models).

◦      Extensional flow (elongational viscosity).

◦      Time-dependent fluids : memory effects, the mechanism of thixotropy, rheopexy.

◦      Linear viscoelasticity : mechanical models, stress relaxation experiment for a Maxwell fluid, creep and recovery experiment for a Kelvin solid, oscillatory measurements, 1D-models, 3D-models, Mooney-Rivlin model, Ogden model…

◦      Elasto-plasticity, Visco-plasticity, Elasto-visco-plasticity, hyper-elasticity.

◦      The Time-Temperature Superposition Principle.

Compétences visées

Apprendre les méthodologies numériques

Assimiler les fondamentaux disciplinaires

Apprendre et maitriser les modèles


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement
Denis Funfschilling :