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  4. Licence Informatique
  5. Computer Sciences (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)
  • Sciences, Technologies, Santé

Computer Sciences (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)

  • TEDS / DDRS (Transition écologique pour un développement soutenable)


Ce parcours est proposé exclusivement dans le cadre de l'UFAZ (Université franco-azerbaidjanaise) et est entièrement délocalisé à Bakou. 

This curriculum is offered exclusively by the UFAZ (Université franco-azerbaidjanaise) and is entirely located in Baku.

The aim of this curriculum in computer science is to provide students with the scientific knowledge and technical skills they need, either to continue their studies in a Master's program in computer science, or to enter the professional world in the IT professions.

Présentation et organisation de l’équipe pédagogique

All courses are designed and taught by invited professors with PhDs (2/3 of these lecturers are affiliated with a research laboratory at one of the partner institutions).

Two teachers from Unistra's Computer Science department are permanently on site to coordinate teaching.

Local lecturers with a Master's degree or doctoral students assist the research lecturers with practical sessions.

Formation internationale

  • Formation délocalisée ou formation dans un campus délocalisé

Lieu(x) à l'étranger

Baku, Azerbaijan


Critères de recrutement

Acceptance decision is the outcome of a specific application process ran in Baku


The application process takes place entirely in Baku.

Poursuites d'études

Poursuite d'études

Master d'informatique

Poursuite d'études dans l'établissement


Stage en France

Stage possible
Durée du stage
2 to 3 months
Période du stage
may -- august

Stage à l'étranger

Stage possible
Durée du stage
2 to 3 months
Période du stage
may -- august

Programme des enseignements

Licence Informatique - Computer Sciences (UFAZ) - L0

Semester 01
1,5h4,5h - 42h
- - - 42h
1,5h4,5h - -
3h3h - 39h
- - - 39h
3h3h - -
3h3h - 42h
- - - 42h
3h3h - -
- 6h21h33h
- - 21h33h
- 6h - -
- 60h - -
- 60h - -
Semester 02
20h60h - -
10h30h - -
10h30h - -
13,5h - 21h25,5h
13,5h - 21h25,5h
13,5h - 21h27h
13,5h - 21h27h
- 24h21h15h
- 24h21h15h
- 30h - -
- 30h - -
13,5h7,5h3h -
12h3h3h -
1,5h4,5h - -

Licence 1 Informatique - Computer Sciences (UFAZ)

Semester 1
28h28h - -
28h28h - -
Language 13 ECTS
- 30h - -
- 30h - -
Physics 16 ECTS
30h30h - -
6h6h - -
12h12h - -
12h12h - -
Chemistry4 ECTS
42h24h21h -
12h12h - -
- - 21h -
42h19,5h49,5h -
12h - 12h -
21h19,5h16,5h -
9h - 21h -
Semester 2
28h28h - -
28h28h - -
Physics 26 ECTS
18h18h36h -
18h18h - -
- - 36h -
Language 23 ECTS
- 30h - -
- 30h - -
60h30h60h -
10,5h7,5h12h -
10,5h7,5h12h -
10,5h7,5h12h -
18h - 12h -
10,5h7,5h12h -

Licence 2 Informatique - Computer Sciences (UFAZ)

Semester 3
20h34h - -
20h34h - -
Physics 37 ECTS
42h42h - -
12h12h - -
18h18h - -
Language 33 ECTS
- 30h - -
- 30h - -
72h27h57h -
18h - 12h -
12h18h - -
18h - 18h -
12h9h9h -
12h - 18h -
Semester 4
20h32h - -
20h32h - -
Language 43 ECTS
- 30h - -
- 30h - -
Physics 45 ECTS
- 24h - 90h
12h12h - -
- - 24h -
18h18h12h -
- - 18h18h
18h6h6h -
- 30h - -
- 30h - -
- 6h - -
- 6h - -

Licence 3 Informatique - Computer Sciences (UFAZ)

Semester 5
42h15h36h -
12h9h12h -
15h - 15h -
15h6h9h -
69h39h32h -
24h15h12h -
7,5h12h4,5h -
27h24h - -
Language 53 ECTS
- 30h - -
- 30h - -
- 36h - -
- 36h - -
Semester 6
Internship15 ECTS
- - - -
4,5h - - -
60h45h15h -
15h15h - -
15h15h - -
15h15h - -
15h - 15h -
- 30h - -
- 30h - -


Baku, Azerbaijan


  • Campus Bakou



Responsable(s) de parcours
Stéphane Genaud  :

Autres contacts

​UFAZ Education Department

Établissement(s) partenaire(s)

Université Franco-Azerbaidjanaise (UFAZ)

Pièces jointes à télécharger