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  4. Licence Chimie
  5. Physical Chemistry (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)
  • Sciences, Technologies, Santé

Physical Chemistry (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)

  • TEDS / DDRS (Transition écologique pour un développement soutenable)


Ce parcours est proposé exclusivement dans le cadre de l'UFAZ (Université franco-azerbaidjanaise) et est entièrement délocalisé à Bakou. 

The diploma of Bachelor in Chemical Engineering aims to ensure a high-level training adapted to the challenges and evolutions in the chemical industries. By gradually introducing basic skills, the study program teaches students fundamental scientific knowledge (mathematics, chemistry, physics), as well as how to use this knowledge in various areas related to the chemistry and chemical engineering (conception, scaling of processes for production, analytical chemistry, quality control), while ensuring security rules of processes and environmental quality.

Such training plays a twofold role by providing theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as working methods to analyze, synthesize scientific and/or bibliographic data. The program provides also knowledge and skills on the environment and the company’s culture.

Formation internationale

  • Formation délocalisée ou formation dans un campus délocalisé
  • Formation ayant des partenariats formalisés à l'international

Lieu(x) à l'étranger

Bakou - Azerbaïdjan


Stage en France

Stage non prévu

Stage à l'étranger

Stage non prévu

Programme des enseignements

Licence Chimie - Physical Chemistry (UFAZ) - L0

Semester 01
1,5h4,5h - 42h
- - - 42h
1,5h4,5h - -
3h3h - 39h
- - - 39h
3h3h - -
3h3h - 42h
- - - 42h
3h3h - -
- 6h21h33h
- - 21h33h
- 6h - -
- 60h - -
- 60h - -
Semester 02
20h60h - -
10h30h - -
10h30h - -
13,5h - 21h25,5h
13,5h - 21h25,5h
13,5h - 21h27h
13,5h - 21h27h
- 24h21h15h
- 24h21h15h
- 30h - -
- 30h - -
13,5h7,5h3h -
12h3h3h -
1,5h4,5h - -

Licence Chimie - Physical Chemistry (UFAZ) - L1

Semester 1
- - 15h21h
- - - 21h
- - 15h -
Language 13 ECTS
- 30h - -
- 30h - -
28h28h - -
28h28h - -
9h - 21h -
9h - 21h -
24h24h21h -
12h12h - -
12h12h - -
- - 21h -
Semester 2
28h28h - -
28h28h - -
Physics 26 ECTS
18h18h36h -
18h18h - -
- - 36h -
30h30h30h -
15h15h - -
15h15h - -
- - 30h -
- - - 57h
- - - 21h
- - - 15h
- - - 21h
Language 23 ECTS
- 30h - -
- 30h - -

Licence Chimie - Physical Chemistry (UFAZ) - L2

Semester 3
20h34h - -
20h34h - -
30h30h36h -
15h15h - -
15h15h - -
- - 36h -
Language 33 ECTS
- 30h - -
- 30h - -
Physics 35 ECTS
24h24h - -
12h12h - -
12h12h - -
- - 20h63h
- - 20h21h
- - - 21h
Semester 4
20h32h - -
20h32h - -
Physics 43 ECTS
12h18h - -
12h18h - -
Language 43 ECTS
- 30h - -
- 30h - -
- - 36h42h
- - - 21h
- - - 21h
- - 36h -
30h30h36h -
15h15h - -
15h15h - -
- - 36h -
- 30h - -
- 30h - -

Licence Chimie - Physical Chemistry (UFAZ) - L3

Semester 5
- - - 30h
- - - 30h
- - 30h75h
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - 30h69h
- - - 24h
- - - 24h
- - 30h -
- - - 21h
Language 53 ECTS
- 30h - -
- 30h - -
- 36h - -
- 36h - -
Semester 6
3h - 27h -
3h - 27h -
- 12h - 42h
- - 30h21h
- 12h - 21h
Internship15 ECTS
- - - -
4,5h - - -
- 30h - -
- 30h - -

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