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  • TEDS / DDRS (Transition écologique pour un développement soutenable)


Students are invited to participate in the ITI GeoT monthly seminars.

These seminars provide the state-of-the-art research knowledge in the fields associated with Geosciences and the energy transition and they are given by researchers, PhDs and post-docs members of the ITI GeoT groups as well as external experts in their field.

Compétences visées

  • Develop a critical awareness of knowledge in a field and/or at the interface between several fields
  • Report scientific results and the proposed strategy, in writing and orally, in several languages, to both specialist and general audiences
  • Communicate for training or knowledge transfer purposes, orally and in writing


  • Enveloppes fluides du système Terre et autres planètes
  • Structure et évolution de la Terre et des autres planètes
  • Terre solide : géodynamique des enveloppes supérieure, paléobiosphère
  • Génie informatique, automatique et traitement du signal
  • Sciences de l'information et de la communication