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In the past few years, we have seen a resurgence of the term “ecofeminism”, with a rise of its use in academic and non-academic contexts alike. But what is ecofeminism exactly? What is it bringing to the table that other movements are not, and how can it help us rethink our relationship to our world and others?

This course will retrace the history of the ecofeminist movement, explore its different branches, and attempt to reveal its cultural significance. We will thus have the opportunity to delve into the different topics and intersections addressed by ecofeminism, including but not limited to: environmentalism, race, gender, queer identities, or human-animal relations.

With the support of readings and analyses, the goal of this course is to provide tools to better understand this philosophy as well as to use it as a critical resource to interpret cultural productions such as films, advertisements or literary fiction. Every week, students will be expected to read the academic articles/short literary excerpts that will be provided as well as to listen to recommended podcasts and videos in order to engage in discussions and debates.